Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Love is my religion


It spiritually wraps my soul.
I was raised and baptized a Christian,
But when I grew up and could make my own decision of religion, I chose LOVE.
My mom, and dad thought I was being rebellious when I stopped showing up to the Baptist Church; which I frequented until I shifted to love as my main belief. 
Love is my religion,
It does not matter which superhuman spirit you worship;
Or religion you associate yourself with. 
I chose love, because it's the foundation of every religion; I suppose.
You can take it, or leave it, 
You don't have to believe it
Love is what I take pride in preaching,
And I don't have any problem if I am hated for the practice of altruism.

The Paradox of fire

It generates life and eliminates living things. 
Fire is life and death. 
Its burning flame is very destructive, 
But keeps me warm in the winter.
The heat that it produces burns up my epidermis,
But can be utilized to prepare my food.
Hearing it being pronounced in certain phrases such as,
"Bring on the FIRE!!!" energizes me, 
But hearing it on the mews kills my joy and destroys my contentment. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Your Love

Your love is tempestuous;

Lips are irresistible,

Body's marvelous,

Webster Dictionary needs to update its definition of beauty,

Because you're aesthetic; and

To be brief you are the definition of beauty.

I want to be with you, but I'm afraid of your impalpable love.

Your love, support, and kinship

Are everything that I need at once.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Missing Her

2:19 AM
I understand it's early.

But my heart doesn't know nor comply to time.

Time passes by rapidly,

But my heart skips multiple beats when being away from you.

Loving you is my passion,

And being with you is my consolation.

I find comfort in your arms, whether I am away or at home.

Baby I'm solely come join me home.

I understand it's early.

But my heart doesn't know nor comply to time.

Time passes by rapidly,

But my heart skips multiple beats when being away from you.

Loving you is my passion,

And being with you is my consolation.

I find comfort in your arms, whether I am away or at home.

Baby I'm solely come join me home.

Please call me, because you voice is my remedy.

(I miss u dearly ;(