Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I want A Soul Mate

    I do not want a friend, someone who I can talk to, have fun with; sometimes if I am lucky enough I might spend some times with that friend. I want A Soul mate who can support me to the fullest, not only when I request help. I want a soul mate that can channel strength in me when I am going through hardships. Generally, I want someone who I can have a symbiotic kinship with. I want a soul mate that is clairvoyant; having a soul mate whose personality is pleasant and admirable would make me want her ten times more. I want a soul mate who I can find heaven into. I want a soul mate that can help me through strengthen my confidence when I am conquered by fears, and console me when I become emotional. I want a soul mate that can be my source of motivation, inspiration, and lamentation; I want a soul mate that can gravitate me towards aestheticism. My soul mate must be a chef d’oeuvre. I want a soul mate who I can confide in. I want a soul mate that can make me fall in love, not once, but every time her eyes come in contact with mines. I am not the type of man who gets impress about one’s external beauty, but I want a chef d’oeuvre. 
         I am strong, potent, and can stand the wind, but I want a soul mate whom when I look at, I must faint. I want a soul mate, not to kiss, nor to be intimate with, but to serve, and adore. I want a soul mate who comprehend that I am not acting stupidly when she is around, but she must understand that she deserves to be offered grateful homage, and admiration from the man who loves her. I need a soul mate. I am perfectly lonely, and I am necessitous of A SOUL MATE. I want a hilarious soul mate, since I like to tell jokes, and make funny comments.         
          I want a soul mate, who does not question my sentiment for her. I don’t want a soul mate that has doubt about me. I want a soul mate that can get me spoiled; I do not want a soul mate that will leave me in heartbreak warfare. I would not want a soul mate who does not understand my pain. I want a soul mate that likes me for my personality. I do not wish to have a soul mate that likes me for what I own, what I wear.                                                                                               
     I want a soul mate that is intelligent. I am not a man who would manipulate his mate, but I would mostly want a soul mate that I cannot exercise power over. I want A Soul mate that can enlighten me on certain subjects and issues. I want a soul mate that is the center of my faculty, I can find comfort in. I want a soul mate that I can explore.                                                                           
          Who would be that Soul, my ame soeur?